6  Assignments for Unit 1

This includes the list of assignments for Unit 1

Table 6.1: Assignments from Unit 1
assignment due.Date link
Install R Jan 20, 2023 1
Install RStudio Jan 20, 2023 2
Visual Salience Reading Jan 25, 2023 3
R Graphics Cookbook - Preface and 1.1 through 1.5 in R Basics Jan 25, 2023 4
R for Data Science - 3. Data Visualization Jan 27, 2023 5
Leaflet for R Jan 27, 2023 6
LA Times - Prof. Phillips - Warehouse Growth Feb 1, 2023 7
Guardian - Maanvi Singh - Ontario Warehouses Feb 1, 2023 8

6.1 Graded Assignment - Visualization Critique Paper

Choose a environmental data visualization. This can include static figures, interactive graphics, infographics, apps, videos, animations, etc. Please get approval from Mike if you are choosing something that may not meet a standard definition of an environmental data visualization.

Write a two-page paper (12-point font or less) describing the visualization and salient features that you think are interesting and noteworthy. Include a picture or link to your chosen visualization (does not count towards 2-page minimum). In your critique, please include ten individual points that fit into at least one of these categories. Include at least 3 of these categories in your paper.

  1. Things that you like, or think are done well
  2. Things that you dislike, or think are done poorly
  3. Improvements you would make to the visualization (can be additions or subtractions from features in the visualization)
  4. Features that provide interesting structure to the data and make it more informative
  5. Features that you find aid in communicating knowledge or help tell the story.

Assignment is due February 3, 2023 at the beginning of class (9:45 AM). Assignments can be emailed or physically turned in. This assignment is worth 150 points. Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure will be a minor component of the score (~10 points).